As being part of Rissah family, we were able to donate $1,000 to Kevin (KJ). The summer of 2012 Kelvin (KJ is his nickname) was returning from our Aunts house and while crossing the road he was struck by a vehicle. Most of the impact was to the back of the go-cart. On impact while still on the go-cart KJ slid 55 feet! Kelvin had a concussion, a collapsed lung, a fractured spine and a piece of his pelvic bone was broken off. My Dad, KJ’s Pawpaw kept him breathing, basically alive for 45 minutes! We live deep in the country so the ambulance took what seemed like a year! As my Dad did CPR you could hear the air coming right back out of his chest. We will never forget that sound nor the sound of our child gurgling blood and fluid. When your child is born with a disease or abnormalities you are somewhat better prepared for what’s coming at you. When you are born “normal” and parts of you are taken away that’s different. It makes you want that something back so much more! KJ walked for six years of his life and in a blink of an eye it was gone. He is now paralyzed from the waist down. There isn’t a manual that tells you how to maintain or go on. Nothing prepares you for the daily struggles, the major changes, the whys from a young mind that doesn’t understand, or the emotions that come with all of it. You feel helpless as parents and it cuts you to your soul!
KJ is a fighter and he’s fighting to walk again.
He is an awesome kid who deserves so much more than we can afford. He is ten years old and a fourth grade Honor Roll student at Mize Attendance Center, and his zest for life is infectious. KJ has played wheelchair basketball with the MS WheelCats for three years. Each year he attends various Paralympic camps, Challenged Athletes Foundations Best Day in Triathlon, and wheelchair basketball tournaments loving every minute of it! His dream is to one day participate in the Olympics and the Paralympics.
KJ has the opportunity to travel and train with the best, Barwis Methods. Barwis Methods specialize in Neurological Reengineering which is the process of implementing the cutting edge Barwis Applied Scientific Techniques and the Barwis Methods to increase a person’s neuromuscular activation and control. This is the core of the injury recovery programs provided by Barwis Methods where they help the brain to relocate, activate, and control muscle fibers.
This method is very exspensive and I need your help. Please donate and help me on my journey to walk again. This accident may have temporally taken away my legs but it didn’t take away my heart & passion to get out & PUSH ON!
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Follow my journey on Facebook: Push On KJ